Earl Township Road Department

Earl Township Road Department

The Road Crew is responsible for approximately 34 miles of roadway in Earl Township.

PennDot is responsible for 12.22 miles of roadway within the Township, which includes Rte. 73, Rte. 562, Manatawny Road, Longview Road, and Powdermill Hollow Road.

The Road Crew has a regular program of road reconstruction and maintenance. Many of the duties performed by the Roadcrew are included here but not limited to:

  • Road construction and major road projects
  • Equipment and truck service
  • Repairing of cracks and potholes
  • Trimming trees and mowing along roadway shoulders
  • Pipe replacement and resurfacing
  • Sign repair and replacement
  • Snow and ice removal

Should you see a safety issue on any of our roadways, please call the Township Office at 610-367-9673.

The Earl Township Road Crew works hard to ensure that Township roadways are well maintained and safe for all Township residents!

Manatawny Sewer System

A portion of Earl Township is currently enrolled in the Manatawny Sewer System. The sewer system is managed by the Township and is served by the Amity Township Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Grinder Pumps
Site Specific Design, Inc.

Emergency Repairs
MGK Industries
Dave Kutz
610-705-5700 ext 218

Act 537 Septic Inspection Plan

Earl Township is currently in year five of the Act 537 septic inspection plan. The septic inspections are a requirement of the State’s Department of Environmental Protection. Any questions regarding Act 537 should be directed to the Township Office.